Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Some things I've learned from my superiors

It's been an interesting week. The acronym "HML" will forever be etched into my memory, and not in a good way. I've learned something from this whole process. If you ever have to communicate something complex to a large group of people, do so in as few words as possible. In implementing this HML process at work, I composed an e-mail telling something like 300 people what time the briefings for the sessions were. I sent it to those people's manager for him to forward on. I had worked very carefully to make sure the e-mail was concise and worded simply so that people would get the simple message of when the briefings were going to take place. This manager then added MANY MANY words to the front of the e-mail. So, of course, when the plebs got the e-mail, they didn't read the whole thing, so they missed my part about when the briefings were. So now I'm trying to implement a process that no one knows anything about.

And finally, here's a pet peeve: people who complain about gas prices while driving a GIGANTIC SUV! If you want to complain about gas prices while doing everything you can to cut down on gas consumption, fine. If you want to drive a soccer-mom Excursion, that's your right. But you don't get to DO BOTH!

Guess I'm a little ginchy today.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Any fool can say a thing in a lot of words. It takes considerably more gray matter to only use the few needed words.