Monday, July 13, 2009

Funny names of popes

  • Pope Hyginus (AD 136-140). He was the cleanest pope up to that time.
  • Pope Hilarius (AD 461-468). Despite what you'd think, he actually had very little sense of humor.
  • Pope Gelasius (AD 492-496). Known primarily for having invented Italian ice cream.
  • Pope John XXIII (1958-1963). Seriously, dude. There were 22 other popes before you named "John." Maybe it's time to come up with something new.
  • Pope Lando (AD 913-914). Lando's not a system... he's a pope.


Nancy said...

Wasn't it Pope Hyginus that coined the phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness?"

NouveauManceau said...

One of my medieval historian friends was doing some research and landed upon a person called Hilarius Silly.