Monday, October 29, 2007

This is a new one...

I saw a car today that had an interesting bumper sticker, something along the lines of "My good dog is a graduate of PetSmart obedience school."

Now, if you want have the "My kid is an honor roll student..." sticker, fine. Not my style, but I can at least understand people wanting to brag about their smart kids. If you even want to have the "My kid is a student at Weaselchum Middle School," I guess that's fine. I'm not sure why that'd be something you'd advertise on the back of your Excursion, but whatever.

But no one, I repeat, NO ONE, cares where your dog went to school. And maybe I'm the first one to break this to you, but no matter how smart your dog actually is, he can't read the bumper sticker.


Anonymous said...

My sister's dog just got back from obedience boarding school. No kidding.

Michelle said...

yeah, but remember that monkey who learned sign language? maybe your dog is just undertrained.